Thursday, September 26, 2019

MURALS By Priyanka Thaker

Wall paintings by Priyanka Thaker

Priyanka Thaker is an artist also an architect. She got her degree from Arvindbhai Patel Institute of Environmental Design which is in Anand, Gujarat. 

While attending her lecture she told us about her Street Art which is on walls. Mainly in the area of 
                                       Dhal Ni Pole - Ahmedabad
Dhal Ni Pole - 31st Aug 2019

She told us about "What is Design?", she defined Design as a process of making innovative things it is also defined as doing or planning something with a particular purpose or aim in mind. On the other hand, the design is solving the problem through different kinds of iteration processes as well as forming certain valuable needs on its solution approach.

And then she asked us about the differences between Art and Craft and then she told us

Craft as something physical, traditional process of creating. Craft is something that you make with your hands, but not necessarily something that you use to pass on your point of view. It often involves making something that is functional.

The next thing was the introduction of Street Art and then Graffiti Art.

After all these introductions we were finally able to witness her works.

Picture 1

In this art, she talked about the reason behind using the Yellow colour in the background. This painting itself made at Dhal Ni Pole on one of the buildings. This art is mixed with the human body and animal face. The Animal heads are painted with different colours and to bring the idea of thinking in the head is the main motive of the picture. This picture contains a variety of animals like
Parrot's head, Rabbit's head, Pigeon's head, Elephant's head, etc. Every character on this wall has some kind of posture which is different from each other which is showing us life with each and every kind of story that we are forming. In this painting, warm colours play a major role because if the colour is darker than the impact of this art won't be able to come with this intensity. As I have seen this painting physically so I can also say that she worked very patiently. 
Picture 2

So moving to the next painting, in this, there is something called positive and negative space. The positive space, so the combination of positive and negative makes the art one of a kind. And there are a lot of events are going on. Also, background places an important role too as in picture 1. Here two kinds are made one is the filled which is in the right which is considered as the Positive space and in the left of the painting there is a fish only with the empty background which forms Negative space. So if we merge both of the spaces, it'll form a kind of image that we won't be able to see in our day to day life. Balanced Art.

Picture 3
In this painting, we can see the use of cool colour (that is Sky blue) in the background. There are some kind of architecture is made in the middle of the wall and at the top of all, some kind of complex illustration is made.

Some other works of her

She also told us about how to handle clients and how to make them happy with the works and form loyalty with them. Also sometimes we have to work on a client-based project in which we should work according to the Client's guidance.

While doing projects we should first study it then a bit of research to make things better.

Also at the end of the lecture, she talked about cheating in art in which some cheating is also done in the formation of art, like copying the posture of yoga.

At the end of writing, I want to say Priyanka Thaker's personality is one of the unique personality I ever met in my life like her creative thinking is easily visible in her arts and how hard-working she is.

At the end of this feed, I am putting my own pic with her artwork.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Collezion Magazine Comparison

Name of the Issue
Topics Covered
Pop Design,
The Acrobast,
Without Borders


Colours of the Sun,

Elements of Nature

Secret Garden,
Impossible Geometries,
Timeless Denims

Be Unique

Scent of Nature,

The Essence

Common Topics Covered
·      Fabrics
·      Accessories
·      Ways of Life
·      Interior atmosphere

Monday, August 12, 2019


Hue is one of the main properties (called color appearance parameters) of a color, defined technically (in the CIECAM02 model), as "the degree to which a stimulus can be described as similar to or different from stimuli that are described as redgreenblue, and yellow"

(the unique hues). Orange and violet (purple) are the other hues, for a total of six, as in the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. The other color appearance parameters are colorfulnesschromasaturationlightness, and brightness.

What is CIECAM02 ?
In colorimetry, CIECAM02 is the color appearance model(CAM) published in 2002 by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE).
 - end of the introduction -

What is happening?
Basically, I am doing photoshop manipulation with the help of the hue tool.

Monday, August 5, 2019


                          D A N D I   K U T I R

  • The journey starts with the glance of the salt mountain, the first thing that struck my mind was the shape of Dandi Kutir which is inspired by the mountain of salts itself.
  • Moving to the next while entering in the museum I was reminded of the malls as I had seen such use of technology at that place only and the patterns on the structure were just one of the amazing thing I ever witnessed.
  • We were given audio guides at the entrance and that gadget was working just perfectly. We didn't have to press any button on the audio guide, all we have to do were stand near the exhibit and it would start explaining about the event automatically
  • The exhibits are divided into floors based on the events from childhood to the role in the independence of India.
  • The journey starts with a briefing of our tour on a big screen and after moving a few feets we came to see Gandhi's family tree.
                                                  fig. Sketch of Gandhi's Family Tree
  • After that, on the other screen, we saw the name of Gandhi Ji's house and that is "KABA GANDHI NO DELO". We also came to know that during childhood Gandhi Ji loved to watch mirror games and doing local plays and also he had fear of darkness and nightmares.
  • Heading to the next, we noticed that Gandhi Ji was a failure as a Lawyer in Bombay and other events like South African Proposal 1893, Samjhota, Passive Resistance and man more.
  • In one scenario we board to a train that Gandhi Ji took to go various place across India for meetings like Public Meeting organized by the Madras Mahajan Sang.
  • Another best scenario was a 360-degree show where Gandhi Ji was marching against the Law of South Africa and about Harijan Society.
                                                fig. Sketch of Harijan newspaper
  • Lastly, our journey ended with a slogan saying  

Thursday, August 1, 2019



Yeah ! a big line "Money can't buy Happiness"
but you ever thought if money can't buy happiness than what the hell in this world can buy it ?

As for my point of view Fashion brings once a level of uniqueness to stand out from the crowd, to look different in the millions and when people start giving you compliments you'll find yourself in pleased.The feeling of satisfaction.And i think the feeling of satisfaction and happiness is interconnected.

So yes money can't buy us happiness but it can give us designation to the place where we can find happiness with the help of cloths.

                                         - E N D  O F  B L O G -